What is Hreflang?

What is Hreflang

Hreflang is an HTML attribute used to serve pages based on specific countries and languages. This attribute plays a major role in International SEO. The structure looks like this.

<link rel=”alternate” href=”url_of_page” hreflang=”lang_code” />


<link rel=”alternate” href=”https://example.com/es/” hreflang=”es” />

The two-letter code stands for language while the country is in written capital MX (MX stands for Mexico)

The syntax means

link rel=”alternate” means the link in this tag is an alternate version of this page

href=”url_of_page” is where you can find the alternate page

hreflang=”lang_code” is what the alternate language is

To come up with a Hreflang code you must first find the country and the language code. The code supports two standards they are two letter syntaxes ISO 639-1 language codes and ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country codes. These options are supported by Google.

Examples of Language Codes




Examples of Language and Region Codes




The other methods to indicate multiple versions of  the page are

HTTP Headers


Adding Hreflang is used for non-HTML files like PDF documents which do not have HTML coding. Thus HTTP Header is used to inform the search engine about the language and location of the document.

Adding Hreflang to XML SiteMap tells the search engine where to find the different version of the page that carries a different language. The three methods are acceptable from Google’s perspective and you can choose the one you prefer.

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