Google Core Web Vitals

As the algorithms change from time to time Google announces some of these changes and provides tips and tools as well. This applies to core web vitals a recent algorithmic change that measures download speed factors and stability on search engines.

Understanding Core Web Vitals

First Content Paintful (FCP)

First Input Delay (FID)

Time to First Byte

Largest Content Paintful

Cumulative Layout Shift


The FCP metric measures the time from when the page starts loading here content refers to text, images, and nonwhite elements to when any part of the page’s content is rendered on the screen.


FID is the time from when a visitor first clicks on the page for navigation to the time when the browser can begin processing in response to the click.


The time to first byte is the time between the request for a resource and when the resource begins to download. The resource here refers to an embedded image, java script and CSS, etc.


LCP stands for the render time of the largest image or text block visible relative to when the page first started loading.


Cumulative  Layout Shift is measured when the page is being rendered. It measures the shifting of an element from one frame to another. 

You can use tools like Google PageSpeed Insight (PSI), Screaming  Frog  Spider, or GTMetrix to measure core web vitals. Improvement is required when the test fails. These tests are throttled on slow devices so that those using slow devices have a good page experience or UX.

The answer lies in compressing images, minifying the scripts, and fixing CLS.  To rectify CLS you need to fix the height and width of an element. Once the dimensions are set the image will retain itself within that frame.

The objective is to deliver a good page experience to the visitor. This article aims to cover current sets of core web vitals and tips to improve them.

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