What is technical SEO?

What is technical SEO

Technical SEO is on page factor it deals with the technical aspect of the website to make it download faster and make all functions of the website perfect. From time to time Google publishes advice on elements you should focus on.  Technical SEO is related to the scene structure of the website. It involves coding and programming during the development stage. Once the website is complete the search engines should be able to crawl the site efficiently and index it and rank it better.

Technical SEO deals with on-page coding, embedded elements like images, coding, graphics, videos, etc. It is a process for optimizing websites for search engines such that they rank and index websites for higher placement. The website should contain all the virtues of search engine guidelines. The majority of clues can be found on the blog for Google webmasters.

Creating an SEO-friendly site structure is essential it helps the visitors and search engine navigate the site better. Search engine values a good site architecture very much and is one of the ranking factors.   

User Experience and Download Speeds

It also deals with user experience and the download speed of the website. Recently Google announced the Web Core Vitals where it pointed out factors that impede fast download of the site. Many tools like GTMetrix analyze a website and detail all that hampers a website’s speed and user experience.    

The Role of XML and HTML Sitemaps in Technical SEO

For user friendly xml site map and html site map is a must. Many elements play a role in technical SEO including the website template. Hosting is very important it should be dedicated and secure. It should return a response to a query at high speed from the server,  the network elements should support the transmission of information at lightning speed. There should be no outages due to bad infrastructure. High bandwidth is a must that supports high-load traffic volume. The CDN Network is the most favored hosting service as it comprises a collection of computers linked to the primary server.

All leading digital marketing agencies should pay attention to technical SEO. It is one of the vital aspects of search engine optimization. Technical SEO if not executed well can break a site’s standing in the SERPs.

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