Google has been regularly updating its algorithms in order to retrieve better returns and prevent spam and block sites unfit for indexing and ranking. The updates are meant to improve both rankings and indexing after studying the performance of the SERPs. The algorithms have been constantly evolving and continue to do so. Search engine result pages are relevant links that appear on search results to a user’s query. The users wish to see the best answer to their query and that is what satisfies them. Google strives hard to fetch the best results that would be appreciated by visitors. Algorithms are important ranking and indexing factors and play an important role in websites to deliver their message to the most suitable queries. The webmaster aims at
Some of the updates are:
August 1, 2019
Featured Snippets Update
Google this affects the freshness of featured snippets in search results. This update will allow Google to find the freshest featured snippets for queries where current information will be most useful. To get into featured snippets aim for questions on the website short and precise.
September 24, 2019
Broad Core Algorithm Update
On this date, a broad core algorithm update was released, and took a few days to completely roll out. Google’s announcement was that it was the same as the recent snippet update.
October 25, 2019
BERT Update
Google called the BERT Update the biggest search to be brought out for the search. These models are to better understand search queries. This would impact search rankings and the featured snippets. BERT stands for Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers. It will be used on 10 % of U.S. English searches.
December 9, 2019
BERT (Worldwide)
It was the beginning of its worldwide rollout, and included the following languages: It included languages all over the World in all countries. It also included the regional languages of the World.