What Are Display Responsive Ads
Responsive Display Ads give you the ability to upload your own creation and create ads. Simply upload your assets (images, videos, headlines, logos, and descriptions), and Google will automatically create ads. They’re built for performance, reach, and scale.
Responsive Display Ads look great, they perform great as well. The display ads tend to see 50% more conversions at a similar cost-per-acquisition (CPA).
When you create a Responsive Display Ad by uploading different assets into Google Ads, Google uses a machine learning model to determine the optimal combination of assets for each ad slot based on predictions built from your performance history.
Innumerable assets can be uploaded such as headlines, logos, images, and videos. Google automatically adjusts the size, appearance, and format to fit just about any native or non-native ad slot.
By using Display Ads, you can reduce your overhead for managing ad portfolios within ad groups and campaigns and dedicate more time to performance improvement.
Uploaded Ads
You build your own ads outside of Google Ads and simply upload them to your Display campaign. Creativity plays a great role in Ad performance while you can focus on other aspects of marketing.
Image Ads
These can be your own creation or teamwork, image ads are uploadable as a .zip file into Google Ads. Image ads only run in banner-eligible slots, which have a limited scale relative to Responsive Display Ads. In these image ads, you have complete control.
AMPHTML ads enable marketers, publishers, and technology providers to deliver faster, and more secure ad experiences across all platforms by applying the principles of AMP to building and serving ads. AMP stands for accelerated mobile pages.
Faster and better performance: AMP-based ads are 6x faster on AMP pages, making them more viewable, more effective, and more likely to perform well.
Lighter ads can lead to better ad experiences: AMP ads are 3x lighter in load and rendering than regular ads. This delivers a more positive experience to prospective clients.
Safer ads are trustworthy for your brand: AMPHTML ads need validation before they’re served, reducing the risk of malware and building trust in the brands.