In search engine optimization there is no speed limit. The faster the site downloads the better. Sights that download slowly are shunned and this is what we call the bounce rate. A high bounce rate leads to low ranking, low visibility, and less traffic. The are many attributes that make the site load faster.
Some of the attributes that lead to a fast download.
Page Size
Page size or weight is crucial to download speed. The speed is much better if the weight is below 100 kb or around 100 kb. This means the site should not contain heavy content images, videos, and graphics. The content should be well-defined in dimensions. Placing heavy images on top is a strict no no.
Page Elements
Too many page elements have seen a rush of queries or requests clogging the server and slowing down the response. Hence limit content on the page. The text should be in small well-formatted blocks in readable compatible fonts that make downloading fast and readable on mobile. Exotic fonts need time to upload hence avoid them. For example Helvetica, Comic Sans, etc.
Lazy Loading
These are images that open up when the visitor reaches the spot where they are placed. They are usually placed down the page and not on the top.
Web Core Vitals
Google has mentioned in its blogs aspects that a website should have.
Three main aspects have been mentioned by Google:
LCP Largest Content Paintful
LCP comprises large images and text blocks that slow down the downloading. These blocks should occur within 2.5 seconds for good performance hence highly compressed high-resolution images should be used. The latest format recommended by Google is WebP.
FID First Input Delay
FID measures interaction with any element and it should occur within 100 ms.
CLS Cumulative Layout Shift
CLS stands for visual stability. The elements should stay fixed whence the curser is placed upon it. CLS should be .1 and it is the developer’s job that CLS remains within the ascribed parameter.
TTFB Time to First Byte
TTFB tests the responsiveness of the server. It measures the time between request and response between the server. The ideal time should be 2 seconds.
Onload Time
Onload Time is when all resources have been downloaded on the page. The ideal time should be -2 but 3 seconds is also considered acceptable.
Fully Loaded Time
Fully loaded time should be the time between the first activity and the consecutive next one. It should be less than 2 seconds.
These are the web vitals that Google recommends for a good user experience. The vital factors that a good SEO company should take into account. Core web vitals are applicable to all pages for a good user experience.